Atlas of the world in vector

This is a map of the world I made today.
I want to improve my vector work. so this is done entirely by vectors.
This will be printed on big scale and will decorate the wall in the living room

the Journey to Work

This was made for an animation I recently begun working on. But know put on hold because I've got a job as a graphic designer for theme parks at Jora Vision 

This animation is about people going to work. It shows what problems there are when going to work. You also see what some people have to do to go to work. This is shown in a funny but dramatic way.
There is no main character, you see people in general. This all is put into a dieselpunk, streamline modern style to make it more dramatic.

I hope to work on this again soon but for know this is all. I've already got a minute animation but you get to see it when it's completely finished.